The illustration imagines to transform the existing hydraulic system of the Ninfeo's fountain, coming from Castelletto hill, in a "machine à amuser", an unexpected architecture of wonder which temporarily inhabits the courtyard of Palazzo Lomellino in Genoa.
The Ninfeo's fountain, with a level drop of approximately 6m, is the spectacular section of the hydraulic system in which a series of mills play with the water creating an entertaining and introverted space. In the last century the Ninfeo has lost a pre-existing statue of the Phaeton, the Greek demigod that fell from the sky while driving Apollos chariot. Our intervention aims to use the water mills to stop the eroding process and channel the water in a kinetic system that virtually continues outside the courtyard. The falling water becomes therefore metaphor itself of the missing statue of Phaeton.
Our visionary suggestion, proposes also to open up the existing Ninfeo and make it an accessible space via a temporary upper deck from which you can experience the sound and the view of the falling water. The courtyard of Palazzo Lomellino is a space glimpsed and perceived by the passers in Via Garibaldi, the famous Genoese ancient street. Our contrasting installation wants to be seen and catch the attention of the passers, inviting them to explore the space.
Special thanks to Caarpa for organizing the call, all other architectural studios that took part in the initiative (Angelo Renna, BABAU BUREAU, Boano Prismontas, False mirror office, Gaggero Servente, gosplan, Gruppo Torto, llab, Motoproprio, OASI architects, orto, pia, PROFFERLO, ROBOCOOP, SET Architects, WAR), Palazzo Lomellini and Comune di Genova.