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Our projects exhibited at "Outside: self initiated projects" - (Balkan Architecture Biennale 2017)

The exhibition of architectural works and promotion of the publication "OUTSIDE: Self-initiated Projects" will be held for the second time as part of the Balkan Architecture Biennale, at the Štab Gallery in Belgrade on Friday, December 22, 2017 from 9pm.

The aim is to promote and make visible the young architectural scene through exhibition and publication, and is a chance to promote and discover new practices and different approaches to architectural design.

Аутори радова: Ана Шулкић & Audrey Štrecinjo, AREA_Architecture Research Athens, Arquitectura Subalterna, Бисера Крцковска, Boano Prismontas (Tomaso Boano, Jonas Prišmontas, Marìa Eugenia Beizo, Alessio Monarca, Eszter Hanzséros, Nicola Paggi, Stefano Casati, Wilson Lam), Chris Briffa, Драгана Ћирић, Dumitru Alexandru Musteata & Francesca Di Benedetto, Eudes Bonneau-Cattier & Ariane Picoche, Eva de Klerk, fala atelier, False Mirror Office, Guerilla Architects (Denica Indzhova), Ида Крижај Леко, Ирена Гајић, matdaro (Mattia Darò), MELEEM, Mihaela Hristova & Ștefan Sălăvăstru, Милорад Обрадовић, Снежана Златковић, WAI think tank (Cruz Garcia & Nathalie Frankowski), Whood x Mug Office (Christoph Holz, Jeanne Wery, Regis Widmer)


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Boano prismontas ltd

40 Ermine Mews, E2 8BF


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